The Past

The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.

L. P. Hartley   1895-1972 

Monday, 6 October 2008


In days of old when you owned a pad like this the last thing you wanted were cows and sheep wondering up to your front door.

You wanted a fine view - minus the blocks of modern flats of course

So you had your staff build a hidden wall to keep out the stock.

And this was called a Ha-Ha.

You'll find this one at Heaton Hall, Heaton Park, Manchester


Dina said...

But how does the ha-ha stop the cows? Can't they run and jump over it? It's a great name though. Hard to forget, now that you've taught me it.

Petrus said...

The wall is about 5 foot high - which will not stop a young bullock ( I know from experience ) jumping over it or an even much higher wall ( especially when I'm on the other side )

I guess the cows in days of old were much slower ..

Penguins - move your cursor and take them for a walk !!

Say it as it is ......

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars.

Look around !!!

What is this life, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare?

W. H. Davies  1870-1940